
Quit Metal braces & Choose Invisalign aligners To Straighten Your Teeth

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is an alternative to straighten your teeth; it revolutionized the orthodontic treatment process in a painless way by eliminating the need for traditional dental braces. But Invisalign aligner’s uses a series of custom designed clear braces to gradually shift your teeth.

You should wear each aligner for 22 hours every day and it should be repeated for 2 weeks until you wear next aligner. So each customized aligners will shift your teeth gradually to enhance your smile, the continuous process of wearing the aligners is the key to improve your appearance.

Difference between Invisalign vs. Traditional Braces

Many people think that a traditional brace is the only way to straighten their teeth but actually is not. Nowadays, Invisalign became one of the most popular cosmetic dental technologies to shift the dental treatment process in a painless way.

Now let’s compare the Invisalign aligners over Traditional braces:

  • Clear Appearance of your teeth: As the name tells Invisalign, the clear aligners are completely invisible on the teeth and do not cause any wear and tear. The only result you will see is the beautiful smile and clear structure of teeth. But wearing traditional braces can make you feel uncomfortable and painful to wear.
  • Convenience to wear aligners: The aligners can easily be taken off and wear back whenever you want. It needs to be taken off while eating food, brushing, and drinking beverages. But in cases of traditional braces, you cannot remove the braces and eat hard foods. Otherwise, it can damage your braces and cause wear & tear.
  • Saves Time: Unlike the traditional dental braces, the Invisalign process takes less time for dental checks and replacement of new invisible braces. At least you are required to visit dental checkups every 2 months and once in 2 weeks to wear new aligners. Within 1.5 years you can get clear smile compared to traditional braces more than 2 years.
  • Comfortable to wear aligners: Aligners are custom made using plastic and easy to wear the invisible tray without causing any wear and tear. Initially, you may feel uneasy by wearing the invisible braces, but slowly you will feel easy to wear.

Get Invisalign to Straighten Your Teeth

Invisalign was particularly intended for teens and adults to rectify their teeth structure and provide necessary treatment. It is a great advice for the patients who are having braces alternative for picture youths and in addition more seasoned patients who had supported as a youngster who needs to Invisalign. Invisalign is an ideal approach to get a straighter smile without worrying about your life routine. This is the reason it likewise has a tendency to make decision for an alternate choice other than traditional braces

Make a Dental Visit to Have Invisalign Aligners

The best way to get Invisalign is by making an appointment with your local dentist. When you make an appointment, you’ll have an opportunity to talk and explain the difficulties you face with your misaligned teeth, and based upon the complexity of misaligned teeth the dentist suggests that Invisalign will work for you or not. On the off chance that it can, prepare to love your smile in a matter of months! With Invisalign, you’ll be seeing perfect straight teeth in the mirror in the blink of an eye!

Invisalign Treatment Is Not Painful

The greater part of Invisalign clients (64%) reviewed said they encountered just gentle torment amid the treatment, while 45% did not encounter any uneasiness wearing the aligners. Among the individuals who encountered some type of distress, said it more often than not happened when changing to another arrangement of aligners. This sensation inside you may start to feel in 2 to 3 days. The distress experienced in the initial days of wearing another arrangement of aligners might be difficult and starts to align the teeth furthermore. The uplifting news is, you will get used to wearing the aligners. When the teeth start to move and gradually shift the teeth with respective position, the patients do not suffer any teeth pain by wearing the aligners and feels a great dental experience with Invisalign.

Our Services Includes

Family Dentistry Los Gatos

Cosmetic Dentist Los Gatos

Invisalign Los Gatos

Implant Dentistry Los Gatos

Dentist Los Gatos



Chipped or Broken tooth using Cosmetic dentistry by Dr. Negari at Los Gatos, CA

Broken Teeth Treatment at Los Gatos, CA

chipped teeth

Chipped or broken tooth will affect the appearance of tooth structure and may cause severe dental related problems. It is important to take care of oral health problems by scheduling an appointment with the dentist for treatment of chipped tooth.

If the chipped tooth is neglected and exposes of tooth enamel may cause dental decay, sensitivity, gum problem, or even leads to a tooth loss. So, the dentist usually fixes minor chip problem with dental bonding using the tooth colored material. If the tooth is severely damaged then, the dentist may suggest having a dental crown or veneers which look similar to natural teeth. The treatment should be done at earlier stages or it may cause severe dental problems in future and it will be difficult to treat.

The dentist says that it is easy to repair the chipped teeth without worrying the loss of the tooth. If chipped tooth leads to the cavity, then it requires root canal treatment to remove infected pulp. After the root canal treatment, the tooth becomes very thinner and finally, the dentist places dental crowns or veneers to fix the chipped tooth.

There are 3 ways to fix chipped or broken tooth

  1. Dental Bonding
  2. Dental Crowns
  3. Veneers

Dental bonding treatment:

First, the dentist will rectify the percentage loss of tooth structure whether the chip is visible with minor cracks or not. If the loss is very minimal, it can be fixed with bonding in the first visit to our clinic.

Dental binding is a painless procedure and can be done very quickly. The dentist prepares a composite resin material and places on chipped tooth to the natural shape of your teeth, and then a high-density UV light is placed on bonding to harden the material. Finally, the treatment process is done.

Dental Crowns

For a larger chipped tooth, you require dental crowns. Most of the crowns are used for molar teeth because the teeth get attacked by the cavity and severely damage your teeth one after the other. So, the molar teeth should undergo root canal treatment to completely clean the teeth before placing the crown.

Usually, crowns are of different types and made up of long lasting material like a metal crown, ceramic crown, resin etc. It depends on which type of crown you require based on cost, durability and natural looking teeth appearance.

To place dental crown it requires at least two dental visits:

At first visit, you may need to have root canal treatment to remove the infected pulp and excess teeth to support the dental crown. X-ray is taken for proper analysis of tooth structure and chipped tooth. A temporary crown is placed to line the tooth correctly before placing permanent crown.

At the second visit, the dentist will remove the temporary crown and replaced with permanent crown either metal or ceramic.

Porcelain Veneers

Alternate options other than crowns are porcelain veneers; if you have any chipped tooth at the front then veneers are the solution. It is a thin shell of porcelain covering the chipped portion of teeth and complete total smile restoration. It will also reduce gaps, and improve chewing experience.
It takes nearly 2 visits to fix the chipped tooth using porcelain veneers. At first visit, a small surface layer of the chipped tooth is removed and applied temporary veneers.
During the second visit, temporary veneers are removed and placed permanent porcelain veneers to the chipped teeth.

For More Dental Services in Los Gatos, California

Family Dentistry Los Gatos CA

Invisalign Los Gatos

Implant Dentistry Los Gatos

Cosmetic Dentist Los Gatos

Visit our site: http://www.dentalofficelosgatos.com

Cosmetic Dentist

Cosmetic Dentist Los Gatos CA – dentalofficelosgatos.com

Dental Care is very necessary from childhood to Elderly to keep your gums clean, Stronger teeth for a longer period time. It is a healthy habit to know how important is to keep your teeth healthy and protecting from cavities and gum diseases. Cosmetic Dentistry is one of the dental treatments to improve your appearance of teeth, discolored teeth, and dental damages.

Cosmetic dentistry services will help you in everything to build a strong healthy gums and teeth’s that last over for long period of time and give a positive glow to your life with beautiful Smile. Our Dentist Dr. Kamyar Negari DDS provides the Cosmetic Dentistry services in Los Gatos, CA with state of the art facility and well known latest dental materials, he has more than 10+ years of experience in the field of dentistry.

We Rebuild your smile with confident by providing good dental treatment for stronger teeth and gums. In the last 10 years, we helped many people in the dental related issue and brought happiness in their life.

Well Known Cosmetic Dentistry Treatment We Offer

Teeth Whitening Treatment – Teeth whitening is a simple process to remove stains and discolored teeth. It is a completely safe process to transform your teeth brightness without causing much pain.

Tooth whitening is becoming popular nowadays and most of the dentist will perform teeth whitening treatment. Since it is not a one-time work, it requires necessary treatment from time to time to improve teeth whitening

Tooth Colored Filling – To Repair your teeth, the tooth-colored filling technique is used. It is made up of composed resins such as plastic, silicon dioxide, glass particles to fix the space in the teeth layer. It bonds tightly with the teeth compared to Amalgam filling procedure. The Final result will be stronger and healthier teeth for a longer period of time. They are several types of tooth filling process like tradition silver, amalgam or natural dental filling

Composite Dental Bonding – It is a method to improve the appearance of discolored or chipped teeth by choosing right tooth colored material for dental bonding. It will help you to close the gap in your teeth by choosing perfect material for the dental patients. In order to proceed, a small amount of drill is required, then takes cleaning and moreover, it requires high-intensity light to perfectly bond with the teeth to fill the gaps.

Porcelain Dental Veneers – It is a custom made tooth shell with perfect tooth-colored material to improve the appearance of teeth. The method is to fix the teeth with proper color, shape, length that depends on the teeth structure. During the appointment, our dentist will examine the problem of teeth and make sure dental veneers will suitable for you.

After trimming and several adjustments, special cement is applied to the veneers and placed properly on your teeth. Next, the high-intensity light beam is applied to the veneers for strong bonding without affecting other teeth’s and hardens very quickly due to the chemical reaction of cement and light.

Dental Crowns – It is a method to recover more damaged teeth by porcelain crowns. By veneer, it can replace only single teeth but porcelain crowns can replace a large portion of your teeth structure.

Dental Bridges – It is a Method to replace a missing tooth by dental bridges and takes an either portion of side to fill the missing tooth. There are several types of bridges namely general bridges, Maryland bridges, Implant bridges, cantilever bridges etc.

Please call us (408) 377-8302 for an appointment. We provide excellent Cosmetic dental care and other dental treatment in Los Gatos, California. Visit Cosmetic Dentist Los Gatos

For More Dental Services in Los Gatos, California

Family Dentistry Los Gatos CA

Invisalign Los Gatos

Implant Dentistry Los Gatos CA

Dentist Los Gatos


Cosmetic Dentist · Dental Health · Dentistry · Implant Dentist

Family Dentist Los Gatos in California – Dr.Negari Kamyar DDS

A dentist is an important person who takes care of the family. Your oral health has a lot to say about your overall health. If oral health is neglected dental infection can turn the daily activities upside down. It can destroy the peace of mind in the family. According to American Dental Association, it is good for a person to visit the dentist at least twice a year. Since dental needs vary among people of different age groups it may be important to have a family dentist who can help in protecting the entire family from dental illness.
The family dentist at our dental office has the expertise in handling patients of different age groups. Our approach towards each patient is different which is what makes the experience at our office a pleasant one. Our aim is to make sure that every family is safe and protected from dental problems. Through our genuine treatment and spreading awareness about oral health in patients, we believe that dental diseases can be prevented. What this brings back to a family is bright ever-lasting smiles in every person. Based in the beautiful city of Los Gatos, California, our dentist has worked towards enhancing the oral health of individuals in our patient community. Our service has won us the trust of many families in and around the city. Today many people rely on us for their family’s dental needs.
Family Dentistry Services in Los Gatos
We perform a wide range of operations to ensure that patients are safe from dental infection. Preventive care, tooth restoration and orthodontic treatment are all part of our services. The equipment we use to diagnose dental problems helps in early detection of the signs of diseases. The family dentist has an added advantage over other dentists. He/she generally will know the medical history of the patient and other family members. This helps the dental professional in taking necessary steps to avoid the problem.
Tooth fillings and dental crowns help us in restoring weak teeth in our patients. We remove the decayed part of a tooth and use an appropriate filling material to fill the cavity and bring the tooth back to shape.
A routine visit to our dental office can help families avoid dental problems. Oral hygiene habits can be practiced right from a very young age. At our dental office, we teach patients how to care for their teeth. We promote a nutritious diet which can keep the teeth and gums healthy. An information in this regard can make patients more conscious about their oral health and hence improve their quality of living.
Dr Negari Kamyar performs dental treatment at his practice Esthetic and Family Dentistry, Los Gatos California. Call us at (831) 373-4116 to book an appointment.
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